MMA Training

We are dedicated completely to an evidence based approach to the science of fighting. We scientifically pursue the most effective techniques and tactics for MMA competition and self-defense, and are not beholden to tradition, the methods of our founders, or any other orthodoxy.

Radical MMA studenet fighting for a championship
Rat Guard position for MMA

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">The Rat Guard

The Rat Guard is a system of positions from the guard designed to defend punches while offering a variety of attack options.

The system is based on an old Judo position Coach Dreifuss learned while training in Japan. Over a decade, he explored, developed and expanded the position into a comprehensive attacking system as a MMA fighting platform. Coach Dreifuss developed this system because he has a serious injury that limits his movement and flexibility. So the idea was to make a position that was both effective and easy on the body. Rat Guard system is a great option for anyone who has trouble with Rubber Guard or similar positions.

The videos below go into the basic positions of the system.

Radical MMA student pressuring his opponent against the cage

Our Fight Team

We are committed to testing ourselves in the crucible of combat. The true essence of martial arts is to challenge one’s courage, spirit, and fortitude. No student is required to compete, but we encourage all our students to challenge themselves at whatever level of competition they are able. Our fight team is by invitation-only, and the team meets up weekly for an advanced training session.

Iron Sharpens Iron