What’s the Most Brutal MMA match of all time?

UFC 189: Rory MacDonald vs Robbie Lawlor

There have been a lot of epic wars in the UFC (and other big MMA promotions), really too many to count. But some fights just stand out in one’s memory. Some you can never forget the damage the fighters sustained as well as the tremendous heart they displayed. Which were the most brutal or gruesome?? It is very hard to say. It depends on how you define brutal. Do you just mean incredibly bloody? Or do you mean something more… a fight that has obvious, horrible and lasting consequences to the combatant? Here are some of my pics for the most memorable and brutally gruesome matches in modern MMA.

Do Martial Arts Styles Have to Be Brutal to Be Effective?

I recently had a discussion with another martial artist who was adamant that a martial art had to brutal to be effective in street scenarios. I disagreed with a few caveats. My answer was that it depends. More specifically on two major variables. The nature of the ART and the nature of the ENCOUNTER.

BJJ One Art or Many?

BJJ is not really one art. MMA Jiu-Jitsu and sport BJJ have totally different “metas” and they are now completely different arts.

The Old Days of Underground MMA in New York City

Many of my students have asked me about my background and what it was like to fight in the early days of MMA before it was legalized here in NYC. I cut my teeth in the so-called “underground circuit” that sprung up in the late nighties and early aughts.

Anatomy of the Carotid Rear Naked Choke

Video thumbnail for Rear Naked Choke instruction

In MMA the rear naked choke is the undisputed king of finishes. But even though the RNC is ubiquitous in combat, there are some major misunderstanding and misconceptions about the technique that I would like to address.

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